Went to wicker with my friend Rosanna and
Saifra last Friday afternoon. We went to the silver room AGAIN. I needed to drop off business cards and Saifra wanted to shoot images down and immortalize them forever.

Just put up new tags with the titles and price I think last Monday.
Haze G-shock watch. (lower left corner all white) If I didn't need to buy a
bike that would of been on my wrist right now!

Going over business proposals AGAIN.
naw just joking. This is Jolly and he interns at
Metamorph a new tattoo shop down in wicker. He said he could get me tattoos for a good price. If you guys want tattoos give me a call I'll let em know.

I think my favorite was his Anarchy robot.

To be continued...

continued to
Quimby's .. yeah books... kinda not my thing. There are two floors covered in books from the floors to the ceilings. Yeah thats the hallway to the bathroom. I feel like I was in Harry Potter when he was getting his books for school.

I'm not really into cats but this one was an exception.

Reckless Records. They still don't have Renegades by RATM...

photos courtesy of Saifra Kahn.
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