Some of my friends at school need to take art history for their major. I wanted to take it but knowing that most of them failed changed my decision.
So this is my art history or at least what I remember.
My dad used to take me to Chicago during the weekends to check out the new exhibits at the art museum. I only remember two though. Norman Rockwell (on the left) and Ansel Adams. Norman Rockwell was the first famous American painter. He did 321 covers for the Saturday Evening post and all his paintings focused on what America should look like. I look at his paintings now and still can't believe the detail and the concepts he put into every single one of his works.

Ansel Adams was an American photojournalist that shot scenic views of America. Whats funny is that his shots can still kill whatever is in the market today and he didn't have to use photoshop or all those other programs to enhance his photos. just raw.

On the way to Chicago, I couldn't stop looking at the graffiti that surrounded the train yards. Interested me more than the exhibits.
So this is my history. mix of all three will be my future.