Lately getting caught up in graffiti, I feel that there are just some addictive natures that one cannot explain unless someone actually does it. I feel like its more addictive than some drugs, because you feel some type of high of accomplishment with adrenaline and best of all no consequences.

There is a tiny gorilla in the penguin's left armpit, a tiny elephant in the gorilla by its right foot, and a penguin in the elephant's right eye. The gorilla was my favorite because there is so much detail. The elephant has the best color. The penguin has the best background.

"elePAINT" The reason why I chose an elephant was because of its innocents. Walking around I think the best "camouflage" is how innocent and confused we look when in actuality we're bombing the block. Sorry ITS SOLD

"primal INKstinct" - A gorilla was the perfect example of what you feel when you go bombing. Inside you feel like you just want to bomb everything and anything, but you don't care who is around you. Nothing can stop it. SORRY ITS SOLD

"PENguin" Graffiti can turn your heart ice cold. I have rules on what to write on, but some people write over small businesses, peoples cars, and windows. At some point you just don't care and write on whatever you want. SORRY ITS SOLD
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